제 25 호 A Slump in the Film Industry of Korea
Kicker: ENTERTAINMENT A Slump in the Film Industry of Korea By Ye-Dam Hwang, Reporter hwangyedam1108@naver.com Have you heard about the slump of moviedom in Korea? This slump continues a lot longer than people expected and is an important problem so that I can count the people who do not know about this on the fingers of one hand. The time when the slump in the film industry set in seriously is the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. To protect people from COVID-19, the Korean government used social distancing measures which restricted the running time of movies in movie theaters, and taking this kind of action naturally made not only movie theaters but also other people who do film-related work go down in the world one way or another. This sort of measure that creates poor audience figures have changed movie watching patterns of people, and although it is now endemic, continuance of these patterns became a growing issue since they go on until these days. The Existing Circumstances of the Slump Many people thought that the slump of the Korean film industry, which experienced a hard time when the COVID-19 pandemic period started, will recover when the period ends, but it is hard to see any sign of that. The total sales of the movie market began to decline in 2022 and plunged to be set at around one trillion won in 2024. Even though the two movies which recorded over 10 million viewers, “Exhuma” and “THE ROUNDUP: PUNISHMENT”, were born last year, the crisis of the movie market is accelerating due to the polarization of box office hits and the absence of half-way hits. According to the movie industry, the overall sales of the movie market last year amounted to 1.1945 trillion won, down 66.9 billion won from 2023 when it recorded 1.2614 trillion won. Considering that the sales were 1.239 trillion won in 2021, which was affected by COVID-19, the critical situation in the film industry has been proven by numbers. Ambitious films such as “Alienoid”, “PROJECT SILENCE”, “I, THE EXECUTIONER” which had been highly anticipated even before they were released last year, failed to meet those expectations, and other films starring star directors and actors such as “The Plot”, “Hijack 1971”, “Troll Factory”, “WONDERLAND”, and “One Win” failed to hit the box office one after another, raising a sense of crisis of the Korean film industry. Moreover, recently, the fight about the timing of the release of movies between distributing agencies has continued, and that is to strategically decide and set the release date to see when will be the best time to release, as each audience becomes precious in the post-COVID-19 theater recession. Such a sense of crisis in the movie industry of Korea can be felt in the words and appearance of Song Joong-ki, who recently suffered a crushing defeat in the box office with the movie “Bogota; City of the Lost”; he said “As the Korean movie industry is so difficult right now, I worked harder to promote this movie than ever. I want to thank everyone who came to see our movie. Talking about them made me emotional...” and he was in tears. The Reasons of this Slump As the Korean theater and movie industry continues to stagnate, then what caused this situation to appear? It can be largely attributed to the increase in movie ticket prices and the emergence of OTT (Over-the-top media service), that means digital distribution service provided directly to viewers via public internet without going through cable or satellite-based providers, such as “Netflix” and “Disney+”. First, it is actually true that multiplex cinemas in Korea, such as CGV, Megabox, and Lotte Cinema recently stand accused of expensive movie ticket price. They raised the movie ticket price from 12,000 won to 15,000 won to redeem intense losses during the COVID-19 pandemic period and according to “People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy”, during the ticket price-increasing period of the three big multiplexes in Korea (CGV, Megabox, Lotte Cinema), which occupy 449 (97.8%) of 459 multiplex theaters in Korea, the rate of increase in movie ticket prices reached 40%, which is well over 10 times the inflation rate. Lee Ha-young, a member of the Producers Guild of Korea, criticized, “As people reduced the number of times to go to watch movies, which is normally three to four times a month to one because of the increase in movie ticket prices, so-called “middle-range-hit films” that 3 million to 4 million people watched disappeared, and the polarization is intensifying as being “film drew millions of viewers” or “flat broke film”. The three multiplex companies, which occupy 97% of the market, have plastered the prime time mainly on movies that make money, reducing the audience’s choice of movies, and the film industry is giving up making movies.” Secondly, with the emergence of threatening OTT, such as Netflix and Disney+, the media environment has changed quickly due to the huge global OTT that has grown rapidly. This kind of change means that during the pandemic period, it has become more common to enjoy content on OTT, and as an increasing number of high-quality content can be easily viewed on OTT, the motivation for audiences to visit theaters is decreasing. Actually, the movie ticket price is equal to the monthly subscription fee of OTT, and some people said that they don’t go to movie theaters with this thought; “If I wait some time, the movies that were released to theaters will also be release to OTT.”, and this is also a problem in shortening the transition period to VOD service provision. With the decision on the release date of the movie that I mentioned above, a movie official said, “We need to consider not only the number of days of competitive films or holidays, but also whether popular OTT movies or dramas such as “Squid Game” will be released.”, and we can know how OTT influence to the movie industry and theater. In addition, a Korean actor Choi Min-sik appeared on a TV show and said, “The price of movie tickets has gone up a lot. If the theaters suddenly raise the price, I won’t even go to the theater.”, and he also criticized, “The price is 15,000 won now, then people will just sit down and watch a lot of movies through streaming services with OTT. Will people go to a movie theater by their legwork?” The fact that the continuing slump of the Korean movie industry was already felt actually not only by movie people and cineasst but also to the people who enjoy cultural life. Since the movie ticket price increased and the appearance of big OTT during the COVID-19 pandemic period, people’s movie watching patterns changed a lot. It is difficult to stop the change, and if this kind of slump of the movie industry continues, actually it has no choice but to give negative effects to Korean movie development. Therefore, I hope for you to think about this continuing problem at one time or another, and I also hope that the movie industry will find the way of win-win with OTT. Sources: https://www.etoday.co.kr/news/view/2439649 https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20250131129800005?input=1195m https://star.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/OhmyStar/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0003100825&CMPT_CD=P0010&utm_source=naver&utm_medium=newsearch&utm_campaign=naver_news https://www.etoday.co.kr/news/view/2438075?trc=view_joinnews https://www.edaily.co.kr/News/Read?newsId=03132406638925656&mediaCodeNo=257&OutLnkChk=Y https://biz.chosun.com/culture/2024/08/22/47VMR6JCLVHNTFQY7QHBFY7WMM/?utm_source=naver&utm_medium=original&utm_campaign=biz https://isplus.com/article/view/isp202305100132 https://view.asiae.co.kr/article/2023032414344765752 https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/469/0000550196 https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/079/0003411681
제 24 호 Star Marketing
Kicker: ENTERTAINMENT Star Marketing By Ye-Dam Hwang, Reporter hwangyedam1108@naver.com Do you know about star marketing? Though you do not know this term, I’m sure that you have experienced it at least once in your life. Star marketing is a business management term that means a marketing strategy which raises brand image by recommending the brand’s advertisement model who is a popular and recognizable star in sports, movies, or the broadcast scene. Marketing using a popular person as a celebrity model of the brand has been and still is used as an important marketing method. Recently, star marketing aiming at the fans of the brand model increases and gets popular. This kind of marketing especially uses an idol or actor who is hot and popular and makes the fans’ mind naturally lead to purchasing the brand’s product by some events such as holding a fan-signing event or giving a photo card if you buy the brand’s products. This type of star marketing can bring about good results both of the process and outcome, but that is not always the case. For example, these days, the K-pop boy group BOYNEXTDOOR were controversial for boasting about their new iPhones right after the termination of their contract with Galaxy of Samsung which is the rival of Apple. Samsung held the launching party with BOYNEXTDOOR and their fans and sent the coffee truck to them while their contract was ongoing. Therefore, people said that they were careless and rude to the brand which the boy group had been in a contract relationship with recently. Like this, even though after the contract of advertisement, and more in other cases, we can find a brand’s sponsorship with celebrities and advertisement using stars can be good or harmful and the quality of the promotion result depends on if the brand uses its advertisement model well. Marketing Method with Fans These days brands not only use popular idols or actors just as advertisement models, as you can peek through BOYNEXTDOOR’s case, they use “fanshim”, the mind whose hardcore fan of someone or something, to their marketing. They promote them and their products with the models’ merchandises or some events like a fan signing event. This kind of marketing strategy exactly targets fanshim that includes fans’ mind such as wanting to be close to their favorite celebrity, and hoping to meet in their daily lives. For example, to secure a new customer base, amusement parks use an idol who is catching popularity with the young generation through collaboration with them. Actually, in September of last year, Lotte World collaborated with the boy group ENHYPEN and realized the world of the boy group’s webtoon in the amusement park by selling limited merchandise, holding an event of trying on the school uniform of the webtoon, and arranging a photo zone where fans can take a photo with ENHYPEN. This case was successful going beyond 600,000 views of the first teaser post of Lotte World’s official Twitter account and exceeding 20,000,000 accumulated views of advertising video, and the number of foreign visitors in September increased more than three times comparing with the same period of last year. Similar to this case, Everland is collaborating with the k-pop boy group RIIZE from October to December of this year by running a merchandise store of their collaboration, decorating the rides with characters of RIIZE, giving a photo card of the boy group for customers, and preparing a photo zone. Poster of ENHYPEN's event with Lotte World and a poster of RIIZE's event with Everland https://blog.naver.com/bk2131/223242075135 https://blog.naver.com/hee__story-/223598115031 Another example of the marketing using a star who is loved by people is in the food service industry. The pizza brand “Domino Pizza” chose Son Heung-min, a global sports star, as an exclusive model for it and made use of his positive image for becoming familiar with customers by making and selling a pizza which represents Son’s signature pose and showing a new pizza box that includes his picture. Similarly. “Hatban”, a brand of instant rice, selected actor Lim Si-wan as a new brand ambassador by showing the commercial that includes telling some good features of the brand’s rice and selling its product with the package applying the image of Lim Si-wan. Like these examples, there are many cases of star marketing using celebrities in various kinds of brands by taking advantage of this advertisement model, especially using the fans’ mind. Good and Bad Effects of Star Marketing Star marketing with fans can result in good consequences or bad consequences. Marketing method using a popular star as a model of a brand uses the advertisement model’s image for promotion, and therefore the success or failure of the marketing is directly connected to it. For instance, KANU, a coffee brand, parlays actor Gong Yoo into an advertisement for a long period. From the beginning of KANU, they chose him for his image of the drama “Coffee Prince” and his positive image appropriately pervaded the brand using a pop-up store which drew customers’ participation. Thus this marketing using Gong Yoo made KANU become a representative brand of coffee. A scene of KANU's commercial https://blog.naver.com/musicflowers/223271894352 The other example is Woori Bank’s marketing with the singer and actress “IU”. Particularly on its characteristics, the banking industry considers trust and belief as important elements and selected IU for her popular appeal and favorable image. Not only commercial, the bank launched a new card named “NU” whose name made use of IU’s name so that people can participate actively, and gave some merchandise related to IU if a customer registered the card within a certain period. Like KANU’s and WooriBank’s cases, there are star marketing campaigns that make a good result, but they are not all successful. A scene of Woori Bank's commercial starring IU https://blog.naver.com/creazy4art/222759128088 You can see some occasion of star marketing with a bad result quite often. The causes of the failure can be divided into two parts: the advertisement model’s fault, and the brand’s marketing fault. For example for the former one, some brands which chose an actor Yoo Ah-in as their model began to stop the promotion with him and cancel the contract because of Yoo’s suspicion of taking drugs. In addition to this, a star model’s crime, suspicion of school violence and bullying, or other bad news of the model can affect the brand such as by boycott. The example of the latter one is the cosmetic brand Nature Republic’s fault that did not consider fans delicately and made the brand’s image to be damaged. It appointed the idol boy group NCT 127 as brand model and it organized an event with the boy group’s polaroid photos. The problematic thing was this post on Nature Republic’s official twitter: “Just the 24 people entered for two hours for the event. Three people won among the 24 participants, isn’t it quite a good chance?” Due to these sentences, the fans got angry saying that the expression “just the 24 persons” suggested the nuance of devaluing the idol group. As you can see, idol marketing can lead to securing fandom customer base, but also making an enemy who has a big power of influence if the fans turn their backs on the brand. Star marketing, a marketing technique that utilizes famous entertainers as commercial models of a brand, has been for a long time and is used until now in the brand marketing scene. As much as star marketing has been used a lot, it is a kind of risky method which usually depends on the model’s image. With star marketing, brands need to know that there is always the possibility of bringing about a good result or bad result. Especially, the star marketing which uses “fanshim” has many pros and cons because it is mainly influenced by the fans. Therefore, the result of this kind of marketing technique, which affects the brand’s image, depends on how well the brand utilizes the marketing with the model. Sources: https://n.news.naver.com/article/005/0001731940 https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/entry/koko/5fb5b90fbb304fe8813eb8d12b399182 https://blog.naver.com/businessinsight/223313253024 https://fashionbiz.co.kr/article/211736 https://www.inthenews.co.kr/news/article.html?no=63921 https://m.blog.naver.com/pio_company/222955540109 https://www.asiatime.co.kr/article/20230525500363 https://blog.naver.com/hee__story-/223598115031 https://blog.naver.com/bk2131/223242075135 https://blog.naver.com/musicflowers/223271894352 https://blog.naver.com/creazy4art/222759128088 https://blog.naver.com/yeon61200/223132431890
제 23 호 LOTTO
Kicker : ENTERTAINMENT LOTTO Lotto: Sells 95 Billion Won Every Week By Myung-Kwan Kang, Reporter Kmmg199999@naver.com Have you ever bought a lottery ticket? The lottery is popular because it offers the chance to win a large amount of money with a small investment. But what does the term “lottery” actually mean? The word “lotto(lottery)” comes from Italian, where it means “fortune.” In 1530, the Italian city-state of Firenze(Florence) issued a lottery called the “Firenze Lotto” to fund public projects. Since then, the term “lotto” has become a common name for lotto games. https://www.dhlottery.co.kr/common.do?method=main History When did the lottery start? If we look into the history of lotteries, there are records indicating that they existed as early as Roman times. It is said that Roman emperors distributed prizes through lotteries to gain support from the people. Later, lotteries became popular in medieval Europe. So, when did the lottery start in our country? In Korea, it was issued under the name of the housing lottery for 37 years, from 1969 to 2006. The housing lottery was a lottery issued by the government to raise funds for housing construction, and houses or cash were awarded to winners through weekly drawings. The housing lottery was greatly loved by the people, and many lined up to buy it. However, the housing lottery was abolished in 2006, and what took its place was the Donghang Lottery(formerly Nanum Lotto). The Donghang lottery started in 2002 and is still the most popular lottery in Korea. The Donghang Lottery determines the winner through a draw broadcast live on MBC every Saturday at 8:35 PM. Proceeds from the Donghang Lottery are used in various fields such as social welfare, cultural welfare, healthcare, and the environment, contributing to improving the quality of life for the people. World Lotto Types Lotto exists in various forms around the world. Since the name of the lotto, drawing method, prize money, issuing organization, etc., are different in each country, let's explore a few examples. Powerball in the United States: Powerball is the most popular lotto in the United States, available in 45 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. In Powerball, five numbers are selected from 1 to 69, and one additional number, called the Powerball, is selected from numbers 1 to 26. Loto6 in Japan: Loto6 is the most popular lotto lottery in Japan, where players select 6 numbers from 1 to 43. El Gordo in Spain: El Gordo is the oldest lotto in Spain, dating back to 1812. El Gordo tickets are sold every year from July to Christmas. A lottery ticket is numbered from 1 to 100,000, with multiple copies of each number issued, allowing multiple winners with the same number. El Gordo's draw is unique, with children traditionally singing and announcing the numbers and prizes. In addition to these, there are various lotteries around the world. Examples include EuroMillions in the UK, Loto in France, Lotto 6/49 in Germany, and Powerball in Australia. Paying with Credit Cards Card payments cannot be made when purchasing a lottery ticket. What is the reason for this? While many people buy lottery tickets for fun or in small amounts, some individuals become addicted to them. Allowing these addicted individuals to purchase lottery tickets with a credit card would enable them to buy tickets without having any cash on hand. Additionally, paying by card can exacerbate the problem of overindulgence. Therefore, the law requires that lottery tickets be purchased with cash. Good Places Lotto stores that produce many first-place winners are called "good places." The odds of winning first place in the lotto are approximately 1 in 8,140,000. Because many people buy tickets at these so-called "good places," there is a higher probability that many people will win first place, further enhancing the store's reputation. However, this is simply because they sell a large volume of tickets; the probability of winning remains the same. Is there Manipulation? Some people believe that the lottery is rigged. Is it possible for the lottery to be rigged? Let's examine this claim. There are two main arguments made by those who believe the lottery is rigged. The first is that the lotto draw video is a recorded broadcast, and the second is that there are many first-place winners. First, for those who think the lottery draw broadcast is recorded, it can be confirmed that it is broadcast live every Saturday at 8:35 PM. Additionally, since police officers, officials, and audience members conduct the inspection together, tampering is not possible. Second, the occurrence of many first-place winners can be understood through probability. Lotto ticket sales reach approximately 95 billion won per week. Given the odds of winning first place, which are approximately 1 in 8,140,000, dividing the total sales by these odds suggests there should be about 12 winners. Therefore, it is natural to see a significant number of first-place winners. Impact of Lotto Lotto is highly popular around the world and has had a significant cultural impact. This game is more than just a number-matching lottery; it has a strong appeal to the public. The popularity of the lottery is primarily due to its simplicity and the variety of ways to participate. Many people can join the lotto at relatively low costs and indulge in dreams of winning big. This accessibility has made the lotto beloved across various social classes and economic levels. The popularity of the lotto can also be seen as a response to the stress and uncertainty of modern life. Lotteries offer participants a sense of anticipation and hope through regularly scheduled drawings each week, providing a break from routine and a positive outlook. Consequently, the lotto is regarded as a unique game that extends beyond a mere lottery, with significant cultural and social influence. In conclusion, Lotto started as a simple game of guessing numbers but has grown into a major cultural and social phenomenon. The introduction of online lotteries shows how Lotto has adapted to the digital age and the changing needs of society. By using online platforms, offering different ways to participate, and focusing on environmental sustainability, Lotto has proven it can be both innovative and responsible. Its impact is felt worldwide, bringing people together across cultures and supporting social good. As Lotto continues to evolve, it will likely keep growing in importance and positively influence people everywhere, combining tradition with modern ideas. Sources: https://blog.naver.com/yoo22411/221429469207 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH2Ha16Jlos&t=88s https://triplehappy.tistory.com/entry/%EB%A1%9C%EB%98%90-%EB%B3%B5%EA%B6%8C%EC%9D%98-%EC%97%AD%EC%82%AC%EC%99%80-%EC%A2%85%EB%A5%98 https://footballenglishclass.tistory.com/42 https://kr.pinterest.com/pin/3891398427422562
제 22 호 Popularity of Baseball in Korea: Loved by Younger Generation and Others
Kicker: ENTERTAINMENT Popularity of Baseball in Korea: Loved by Younger Generation and Others by Su-Min Lee , Cub-Reporter minnida_@naver.com If you look around, you may have at least one friend who likes baseball. Hearingthe popularity of baseball experienced by the KBO(Korea Professional Baseball League), which recently opened KBO-24 season, the older generation who have loved baseball from the past is the basic, and the popularity of baseball continues to grow around the younger generation who have begun to emerge. Under the influence of this popularity, the stands of local stadiums are sold out so that tickets are hard to get. Even contents and programs dealing with baseball are increasing in Korea. Due to the recent entry of Korean baseball player Lee Jung-hoo and Kim Ha-sung, and Ohtani who are drawing attention in Japan into the MLB(Major League Baseball), the baseball league is hotly loved around the world. Now, you can figure out the reason how to gain popularity and the problems with baseball that have occurred due to its rapid popularity. 그림 1Stadium packed with spectators https://www.donga.com/news/Sports/article/all/20230804/120564787/1 Korean baseball, which has been showing more popularity since the beginning of the season than last year when the KBO league surpassed 8 million viewers in 1981, is loved by the young generation as well as the older generation who have shown affection for it. What is the cause of baseball's popularity that has also attracted the attention of the young generation and women? How for Baseball to Earn Popularity 그림 2The poster of A Clean Sweep https://www.gukjenews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=2965720 First, the emergence of the baseball program “A Clean Sweep”. This program organizes and hosts various games by selecting retired players as well as players who belong to college and high school teams. By increasing the accessibility with well-known players, it has contributed for various people to access and made it more interesting for people to learn about baseball. Second, the “All-Star Game” It is an event that divides popular players from 10 Korean professional baseball teams into two teams and shows various performances. Efforts to Booster of Baseball's Popularity In order to respond to fans' interest, the KBO is offering various experiences related to baseball including fan events. For example, a collaboration between the Hanwha Eagles and the convenient store, GS25 has set up a flagship store in Daejeon, where visitors can feel the atmosphere of the stadium and purchase goods. In addition, LG holds a “Uniform Day” with LG U+. They make uniforms and goods using the LG character “Moono”. Therefore, they bring memories to audiences who come to the stadium with various photo zones and goods. Finally, SSG ran a “Brand Day” called Lundersbuck which was a collaboration with Starbucks, decorating the stadium with green uniforms and hats. Also, they operated an experienced zone that combined fun elements such as Starbucks' home run zone. These activities helped people of different ages and interests to become interested in baseball. The Problems with Baseball's Popularity However, there are obvious limitations to this thunderbolt popularity. Problems that need to be gradually resolved have recently emerged. First of all, the most problematic part was the reservation system of baseball. In the past, people used to go to the stadium in person to purchase a seat ticket to enter. Whereas recently reservations using the website of each stadium have made it difficult to get tickets for those who are not familiar with Internet use. For this reason, the on-site reservation system has appeared since then. However, the problem seems to be continuing due to the emergence of illegal ticket traders. Second, there is a problem with the OTT service. Starting from the KBO 2024 season, OTT service “Tving” is exclusively in charge of broadcasting. Therefore, payment for Tving is mandatory in order to watch baseball. As baseball broadcasting, which was provided free of charge, has become more expensive. People who are burdened by the increased cost of watching baseball have faced limits. In addition, illegal watcing baseball websites are appearing in response to the demand of viewers, which has been burdened by the overall increase in monthely prices of OTT companies. The appeareance of these issues creates barriers to access baseball. In order for baseaball with both side to grow further by being loved by many people, a clear compromise is needed and it will be necessary to think about it. To convey a way to truly enjoy baseball which has clear limitations but is loved so much, first of all, memorizing a team's cheering song whole watching various a team's cheering song while watching with various foods can be a fun way to enjoy the game. Lastly, the important thing is cheering as one with the audience on the spot will be a way you spend a happy time with precious people while relieving stress. SOURCES: https://n.news.naver.com/article/382/0001123766?sid=101 https://n.news.naver.com/article/020/0003562719?sid=101 https://m.ekn.kr/view.php?key=20240513024395879 https://www.donga.com/news/Sports/article/all/20230804/120564787/1 https://www.gukjenews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=2965720
제 22 호 Do You Like Younger K-pop Idols?
Kicker: ENTERTAINMENT Do You Like Younger K-pop Idols? By Ye-Dam Hwang, Reporter hwangyedam1108@naver.com Are you a fan of K-pop idol groups? If you are, then what is the mean age of the K-pop idol? Whether you are not aware of their ages, I think you may have seen the youngest members of idol groups who made people to be shocked with their ages because people worried that they are too young to be an Idol. For example, Hyein of NewJeans made her debut at the age of 14 in 2022, Han Yu-Jin of ZEROBASEONE debuted at the age of 16 in 2023, and Chiquita, the member of BABYMONSTER showed her first performance at the age of 14 in 2023. Recently, Lim Seo-Won of UNIS who debuted through the audition program “Universe Ticket” made her debut when she was 13 and now she became the youngest K-pop Idol. An image of Lim Seo-Won in Universe Ticket 유니버스티켓 : 프로필 : SBS Therefore, do you think that this tendency of Idols’ debuting at a young age is good? It can have some good things such as, especially for boy groups because of their military service, earning his or her spot on the K-pop music scene early in life, but I think the bad effects are bigger than the good things. Debuting at too young of an age can be harmful to the very young Idols, particularly in their educational aspect. Idols’ Ages in the Past Though our thoughts of Idol’s age are inclined to worry about the very young Idol, there were some who shocked the public in the past. For instance, the solo artist BoA debuted at the age of 13 in 2000, Sunmi, Hyuna, and Sohee of Wonder Girls made their debut when they were 15 in 2007. In 2008, Taemin of SHINee debuted at the age of 14, and the boy group TEENTOP showed their first performance in 2010 with the expression ‘the youngest boy group’ because their average age was 16.3 at their debut time. With their debuting ages, TEENTOP and SHINee’s debuting concept was about teenagers by enhancing their boyish images. At the time, in spite of these examples, most Idol groups’ average debuting age was about 19 or 20, and the debuting ages of the youngest members of each group were usually 17 or 18. Also, as you can see in SHINee and TEENTOP’s case, because debuting at the very young age was not common at that time, Idol groups that had very young members often used their boylike or girllike images to enhance their music career. The Reasons Why the Average Ages of Idol Are Becoming Younger It is an undeniable fact that Idol’s debuting age is becoming younger. Unlike the past times, we can easily see the idol groups who have the average debuting age of 17 or 18. Moreover, the youngest members with the debuting age of 15 or 16 are now becoming common. For example, Bambam and Yugyeom of GOT7 debuted as the youngest members of the group at the age of 17 in 2014, but in 2021, Leeseo of Ive made her debut with her ‘the youngest member’ position of the group at the age of 14. Then, why is this tendency ongoing? To answer this question, I can give three reasons why the average age of K-pop Idols started and are continuing to be younger. The first reason is the audition programs. With the hit of the audition program ‘Produce 101’ that picks some participants to be an idol, there were a lot of survival audition programs such as ‘I-LAND’, ‘Girls’ planet 999’, and ‘My Teenage Girls’. As this talent show frenzy begins, because these idol audition programs didn’t limit the age of participants, many very young girls or boys who want to be K-pop idol stars showed their performances in the program, and in reality, some very young participants became idols. Also, in the point that even the contestantswhodidn'tmakethedebut’scut can become popular with the programs, I think the audition programs of K-pop can cause the debuts of extremely young idols. Second, debuting at the very young age can make enough time to build a music career for idols. Actually, it is a fact that getting old is a somewhat crucial matter to K-pop idols. Thus, they started to debut with the young ages to make their music career and gain more popularity and higher recognition level in their early times. This is especially true for the boy groups because of their mandatory military services in Korea. They have ample time to establish their careers before being drafted to the mandatory military services by debuting when they are young. Lastly, relating to the second reason, the very young K-pop idol groups can make their own ‘narrative of growths’. I think many K-pop fans’ hearts go out to the idols who have the story of development of their skills. Therefore, by making and showing the story of growth and development as an idol from a very young age, they can earn popularity and get many people’s hearts. The Bad Effects of This Tendency Inspite of young idols’ great performances, there are some bad effects of this tendency. Since they are not adults and they are children, they can get tired easily and be exhausted by their schedule as an idol. Also, they may have to take on an image that doesn’t fit with them, such as of a mature woman. As well as these bad things, I want to focus on the bad effects in educational aspects. From the worrying-eyes about their ages, they have to receive the basic education at school and learn not only from teachers but also with friends because they are children before being idols. However, in most cases, they had no choice but to be absent or quit school because of their schedules and it can result in the lack of basic education including moral education and etiquette education. Also, this kind of lack can cause some important problems to the very young idols when they are grown up. Thus, I believe that this educational problem of young idols is now becoming significant and we need to take some actions about it. The tendency of idols’ debuting at younger ages has started and is still continuing now. We can find three reasons for this inclination of by idols’: audition programs, building their music career, and showing a narrative of growth. Despite these reasons, the bad effects of this tendency such as young idols’ being easily exhausted by their schedule or exposed to malicious comments have a bigger impact than others. Also, the need to take some actions about the idols’lack of education is a rising issue. Therefore, because I believe this trend is worth our consideration, I hope this article will help you think more deeply about this problem. Sources: https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/2021/12/07/entertainment/kpop/ive-Leeseo-Wonyoung-Jang-Wonyoung/20211207154449336.html 데뷔에성공한평균연령 16세의아이돌..괜찮을까? (wisdomagora.com) https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/109/0004895709 https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/410/0000974251 https://ygfamily.com/ko/artists/babymonster/main
제 21 호 2024 Winter Youth Olympic Games
Kicker: ENTERTAINMENT 2024 Winter Youth Olympic Games By Ye-Dam Hwang, Reporter hwangyedam1108@naver.com Have you heard about the 2024 Winter Youth Olympic Games? From January 19th to February 1st, 2024, the 4th Winter Youth Olympic Games took place in the province of Gangwon in the Republic of Korea. 1,802 athletes from 78 countries participated in this Youth Olympic Games, and they competed for their ability in 15 events. The Winter Youth Olympic Games of this year is called ‘Gangwon2024’, and it is meaningful that Gangwon2024 utilizes the legacy of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games and is the first Winter Youth Olympics to be held in Asia. The mascot of the Games is called Moongcho, which was born from snow, as can be seen in its face. Moongcho encourages everyone to embrace every moment and enjoy the Games based on the value and spirit of the Youth Olympic Games, like there are no winners or losers in snowball fights. Like its meaning, there were great and shining records not only of athletes but also of the process of Gangwon2024. Ice Sports As it was an ice skating event that was highly anticipated even before the games, we could see the wonderful performances of Korean youth athletes in such events as short track speed skating and speed skating. First, Joo Jae-hee won the gold medal in the men’s 1,500m, Kim You-sung won the bronze medal, Kang Min-ji won the silver medal in the women’s 500m, and Chung Jae-hee won the bronze medal. They showed their performances by giving the thrill of overtaking as rising stars of short track speed skating, and in particular, Joo Jae-hee’s men’s 1,500m gold medal was the first gold medal for the Korean team in this competition. In speed skating, Jung Hui-dan, a promising skater in speed skating, won the silver medal in the women’s 500m and Shin Seon-ung won the bronze medal in the men’s 500m. Jung Hui-dan is the next-generation ace in speed skating, succeeding the skating queen Lee Sang-hwa and Korean speed skating star Kim Min-sun. In the mixed relay, Heo Seok and Lim Lee-won won the silver medal. In figure skating, Kim Hyun-gyeom won the gold medal in men’s singles and Shin Jia won the silver medal in women’s singles. In the team event, Kim Jinny, Kim Yu-seong, Lee Na-mu, Shin Jia, and Kim Hyun-gyeom won the gold medal, and since the Youth Winter Olympics have not held figure team events as a national competition, the Republic of Korea has also been named the first winner of the figure team event in the Youth Olympics. Especially, when the team was ranked second behind the U.S. in the team event, Shin Jia, the last runner of the national team, performed perfectly in the women’s single and won the first place by a dramatic reversal. Shin Jia in the team event https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1007521983&plink=SHARE&cooper=COPY Snow Sports The young athletes’ challenge to win medals continued in snow sports. The rising star of snowboarding Lee Chae-Un won two gold medals in both men’s snowboard slopestyle and halfpipe events. Lee Chae-Un, who was named the youngest athlete in the Korean squad at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, is also one of the world’s top athletes who won the youngest(16 years and 10 months) title ever at the FIS World Championships in March last year. Lee Chae-Un in the final game of halfpipe https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1007522430&plink=SHARE&cooper=COPY Freestyle skiing, which maybe a little unfamiliar, brought more medals. Freestyle skiing is an event which people compete for their skill and artistry by performing aerial movements that soar up through the white snow and remind us of acrobatics. In the men’s dual mogul event, Lee Yoon-seung won the gold medal, and the mixed dual mogul team of Yun Shin-ee and Lee Yoon-seung won the silver medal. Since dual moguls were adopted as the official event of the Winter Youth Olympics and mixed teams were also held for the first time in history, Yun Shin-ee and Lee Yoon-seung were honored as the first medalists in the event. The Republic of Korea finished 6th in the rankings by total points, winning seven gold medals, six silver medals, and four bronze medals, totaling 17 medals. The fact that the youth national athletes have performed so well makes us look forward to the youth athletes who will compete in the Olympics in the future. I hope you continue to watch Korean promising athletes with anticipation and interest, and I also hope you to note that the 2024 Winter Youth Olympic Games(Gangwon2024)is valuable in that it utilized the legacies of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games and that it was the first Winter Youth Olympic Games held in Asia. Sources: https://olympics.com/ko/gangwon-2024/ https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1007521983&plink=SHARE&cooper=COPY https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20240201125900007?input=1195m https://www.munhwa.com/news/view.html?no=2024020101039939044005 https://www.segye.com/newsView/20240128508375?OutUrl=naver https://www.nocutnews.co.kr/news/6086116 https://olympics.com/ko/gangwon-2024/promotional-materials https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1007521983&plink=SHARE&cooper=COPY https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1007522430&plink=SHARE&cooper=COPY
제 21 호 Pop-up Store Marketing
Kicker: ENTERTAINMENT Pop-up Store Marketing -Reasons for Companies and Consumers’ Enthusiasm for Pop-up Stores - By Yun-Seo Jung, Reporter yysj1230@naver.com Have you ever heard of pop-up stores like this? - the Disney pop-up store, the Gentle Monster pop-up store, etc. Or have you ever visited? These days, you can find a lot of pop-up stores while walking around the streets or in department stores. The dictionary definition of the pop-up store is a store which sells a specific product, such as a new product, in a crowded place for a limited time and then disappears. As you can guess from the word ‘pop-up’, it is called ‘pop-up store’ because it is similar to the pop-up window on the internet that appears briefly and then disappears, and its period is as short as one day to a year. The pop-up store originated in 2002 when the American big mart ‘Target’ opened a temporary store when it couldn't find space for a new store. The temporary stores proved to be unexpectedly popular with consumers, and many brands later began opening stores this way. While previous pop-up stores used to be limited to fashion, cosmetics, and food, the range of recent pop-up stores has expanded to include dramas, movies, entertainment programs, characters, and idols. Unlike before, when the focus was on promoting the brand's new products and checking consumers' reactions by experiencing them, pop-up stores nowadays are not only to promote new products but also to show the brand's own colors. In other words, it can be seen that they're putting a lot of emphasis on branding by utilizing experiential spaces rather than promoting products. Then, why has the nature of pop-up store marketing changed from simple product promotion to consumer participation? Let's take a look at the case of a pop-up store. We can often find a wide variety of pop-up stores while walking through the streets of Seoul. Among them, if you walk on the streets of Seongsu-dong, you can see many pop-up stores gathered together. Some pop-up stores rent an existing store and sell only a small number of products, while others are built from scratch, and you can see the brand's concept from the outside. As mentioned earlier, hands-on pop-up store marketing has been a big trend lately. The reason for this is that the major consumer group of the brands is the MZ generation, and they are targeting the characteristics of the MZ generation who like to experience themselves as the subjects are targeted. Let's take a closer look at the features through the examples of pop-up stores. The Example of Pop-up Store Popularity IG @ugg_korea From November 23rd to 26th last year, Ugg's 'Feel House' pop-up store was held in Seongsu-dong for four days with the theme of 'Dream New Winter'. The pop-up store had an igloo shaped entrance that reminded people of Ugg from the entrance. And inside, snow props on the floor and a structure of Ugg boots trapped in ice made visitors feel like they were actually inside an igloo. Just as many people wear Uggs during the snowy and cold winter, the image of Ugg was applied to the pop-up store to make people naturally think of Ugg in winter. On the first floor, interactive media art exhibits engaged visitors, and on the second floor, new products such as boot collections and Ugg wear were displayed to promote the product. And there were hash tags events and freebies that can only be found in pop-up stores. The sales effect was great. The collection of winter boots displayed at the pop-up store increased sales by 161% month-on-month during the event, and sales of tazzlita slippers raised by 205%.They gained huge popularity, surpassing 10,000 cumulative visitors in a short period of four days.Online pre-registrations were sold out within 30 minutes of opening, and more than 100 people lined up from an hour before the opening, and the procession of open run continued every day. Through this pop-up store, Ugg not only promoted new products but also imprinted the brand to highlight the brand's message inside. IG @witheverlandNext is a pop-up store in the department store. Most of the department store pop-up stores are run at The Hyundai Seoul. The Hyundai Seoul opened more than 150 pop-up stores in the first half of 2022, attracting a lot of attention from consumers. There's an entertainment program called ‘earth arcade,’ the character ‘ZANMANG LOOPY,’ and even food pop-up stores. The pop-up store that has become a hot topic recently is “FUBAO, My Sweet Home” organized by Everland. Fubao is the panda that represents Everland's Panda World, and now there's a pop-up store all about animals, so you can see that the scope has really expanded. The "FUBAO, My Sweet Home" pop-up store displayed photos of the Bao family, including Fubao, and has a photo zone where you can take pictures with the Bao family. More than 100 kinds of goods, including blankets, stationery, stuffed dolls and cushions, were unveiled for the first time, and limited-edition first-come, first-served key rings that can only be purchased at pop-up stores. Clothing such as shirts and pajamas printing Fubao images created in collaboration with clothing brand "8seconds" were also available. 20,000 people visited this place for two weeks, and about 1 billion won worth of goods were sold. The Cause of Pop-up Store Popularity Then, why are so many people attracted to pop-up stores? The main reason is scarcity. There is a limited period of experience. The fact that we can only visit a pop-up store for a short period of time makes people want to go there even more. Most popular pop-ups also receive a limited number of people through ticketing or waiting for the smooth operation of pop-up stores, such as preventing people from flocking to narrow spaces and making the experience more fun and efficient. In addition, limited-edition goods that can only be received or purchased by visiting pop-up stores are also the cause of attracting people to pop-up stores. Next is the development of social media. With the development of social media, people often display their daily lives, and the desire for imitation consumption has intensified. In the case of a pop-up store, if the person who visits the store posts a photo on their social media, other people who see it will naturally feel the desire to visit. From the standpoint of companies, if they invest in pop-up stores, they can have a big marketing effect with relatively little money through voluntary marketing from consumers, so many brands have recently opened pop-up stores. Pop-up stores that can attract the MZ generation with limited goods, photo zones, and experience zones, and deliver not only new products but also brand messages to consumers, will continue to be increasing as the marketing effect is tremendous. However, there is definitely a dark side to the pop-up store marketing that so many people are enthusiastic about. That is, as the number of pop-up stores with similar concepts increases, consumers end up feeling tired. In order to reach consumers differently, they need to change their approach. The environment is also the most important issue to consider. The amount of garbage discharged after a pop-up event is enormous. At the Exhibition Design Trends International Forum in May 2022, Kim Hye-ryun, CEO of Gabo Shop, said, "The amount of waste by exhibition events such as pop-up stores is 270 kilograms per 9m2."For a typical small pop-up over 36m2, that's roughly a ton of trash.A large pop-up of more than 200m2 means more than 5 tons of trash. Companies should be aware of the problem of waste discharged through pop-up stores and make efforts such as using eco-friendly materials. Sources : https://www.fetv.co.kr/news/article.html?no=153615 https://www.moneys.co.kr/article/2024010315521836654 https://terms.naver.com/entry.naver?cid=50305&docId=2067488&categoryId=50305 https://imgnews.pstatic.net/image/003/2019/10/20/NISI20191020_0015722879_web_20191020115052_20191020115157667.jpg?type=w647 IG @ugg_korea IG @witheverland
제 20 호 Englishization of K-pop
Kicker: ENTERTAINMENT Englishization of K-pop By Ye-Dam Hwang, Cub-reporter hwangyedam1108@naver.com Living as Korean, we can see many K-pop artists who wants to make a global success like BTS. As this tendency of K-pop emerges, Korean artists like ‘NewJeans’ and ‘Ive’ are using many English words in their songs. In many cases, the number of English words are much more than the number of Korean words of lyrics of K-pop songs. Even though this change of K-pop has good positive effects, it is a clear and noticeable problem that there are few Korean words in Korean songs. Because K-pop music is the thing that we enjoy in common, as a Korean, the need to check the background of this change of K-pop and analyze the examples and their effect is becoming clear and important. The Background These days, K-pop artists use many English words in their lyrics. But this is not only the problem of lyrics, but also of the team name and names of the members of the K-pop team. In fact, it is hard to find the true Korean names and lyrics which don’t have any English words. K-pop even released their English album which contains full-English-lyric songs. Then, why has this kind of change started? The answer is ‘global success’. Like BTS and BLACKPINK, we can see these artists’ global success nowadays. With these successes, we learned that K-pop can be successful overseas as well. By the way, these examples of K-pop’s global success has one thing in common: ‘English-language album’. With realizing this point, the musical circles of K-pop started to use more English words than Korean words in their song’s lyrics and name K-pop Idol team’s name and the members’ in English to become more familiar to foreign fans. The success of the girl group ‘FiftyFifty’ can be an example of this strategy. The Examples: NewJeans and NMIXX Have you heard of ‘NewJeans’ and ‘NMIXX’? I think many people have heard of these two teams’ names and songs because they are celebrated and popular. With these K-pop girl groups’ songs, I will tell the Englishization of K-pop. First, in <Super Shy> of NewJeans, it is structured that a specific part is repeated. Since all of the song’s highlight part is composed of English (except the two words), the lyrics have few Korean words. Though it is hard to catch the lyrics at one time, people knew the lyrics quite exactly and they sang this song in their daily lives. However, still, the uncomfortable feeling that this song’s lyrics has few Korean words and many English words cannot be easily shaken off. The second song that I will show you is <Party O’Clock> of NMIXX. Similarly with <Super Shy>, <Party O’Clock> has highlight part which totally contains 66 English words except just seven words. Also, the last parts of the lyrics are composed with more English words than Korean words. In my opinion, I felt awkward because of the frequency of English words while I listened to this song. I’m listening to a Korean song, but why do I keep hearing English after Korean? The Effects First, let’s talk about the results of the two songs that we saw in the above part, <Super Shy> and <Party O’Clock>. With their popularity and maybe the power of English lyrics, the “Get up” album that contains <Super Shy> was ranked 126th on the Billboard 200. As a result, “Get up” has stayed for 16 consecutive weeks, since entering the top spot on the chart on August 5th, breaking the record for the longest chart for a fourth-generation K-pop girl group album. <Super Shy> and <ETA>, which is also in the album “Get up”, are popular on global charts. However, there is a disagreement between the opinion that it has the best addictive quality and that there are too few Korean lyrics. NMIXX’s case is a little bit like the case of NewJeans, but NMIXX’s case is slightly different. Even though there are many English words in its lyrics, it is hard to find a critical opinion about it. In the aspect of result of popularity, the music video for <Love Me Like This>, has drawn attention as it was fun to find the meaning of various objects, and it reached one hundred million views. The latest <Party O’Clock>, which expresses the mysterious things happening in the forest on midsummer night, is cruising toward the 100 million-view mark, giving fans around the world a cool, refreshing feeling and easily exceeding 50 million views. It is a rising and clear issue that many K-pop artists are using more English words than Korean words these days. Although it has positive effects like global success to expand their audiences of their songs, I think K-pop should maintain the ‘K’ in their songs and performances. What do you think about this issue? I want you to consider deeply about this issue at least if you are Korean. Sources: https://www.joynews24.com/view/1626267 https://newsis.com/view/?id=NISX20231115_0002521571&cID=10601&pID=10600 https://m.blog.naver.com/banon4441/223153629290 https://m.blog.naver.com/golaeyam/223049305406
제 20 호 Unsuccessfulness of Discussion on Lowering Movie Tickets to 7,000 won Every Wednesday
Kicker: ENTERTAINMENT Unsuccessfulness of Discussion on Lowering Movie Tickets to 7,000 won Every Wednesday By Yun-Seo Jung, Reporter yysj1230@naver.com Have you seen a movie in a movie theater in the past year? If you have, how many times have you visited the movie theater in a year to see a movie? And are you satisfied with the current movie ticket prices? According to movieprofessionals on the November 1st, "We are looking through expanding the benefits of 'Culture Day' on the last Wednesday of each month, centering on The Korea Cinema Industry Associationand the Korean Film Council.”This means that the three multiplex companies, Megabox, CGV, and Lotte Cinema, take account of extending their offer of half-price 2D movies from 5pm to 9pm on ‘Culture Day’ to every Wednesday.Unfortunately, this discussion ultimately fell through.According to the industry on the 10th, CGV, Megabox, and Lotte Cinema, which are members of The Korea Cinema Industry Association, had follow-up discussions on various ideas, such as lowering the movie ticket price to 7,000 won every Wednesday, but were unable to narrow the differences between stakeholders. However, starting with this discussion, the film industry decided to find several ways to revitalize the stagnant movie market by lowering the burden of movie tickets for audiences.It's a shame that this discussion has been canceled, as a lower movie ticket price was something that many people wanted. Reasons for increase in movie ticket prices So, why did movie theater prices increase? The biggest reasons for the increase of movie tickets are COVID-19 and OTT platforms. COVID-19 has reduced the number of people visiting movie theaters, and the rise of OTT platforms has further decreased the number of moviegoers. In fact, theater sales in the Korean film market in 2020 decreased by 73.3% compared to the previous year. Also, in 2021, Korea's theater revenue was 584.5 billion won, a 69.4% decrease from 1.91 trillion won in 2019, before COVID-19. And according to the graph of moviegoers by Lotte Members, the number of moviegoers in 2019 was about 8 million, but in 2020 and 2021, it dropped by almost one-third to about 3 million. Unlike the theater industry, which faced a major crisis due to an outstanding decrease in moviegoers, the OTT platforms were greatly welcomed by people at that time when most people stayed at home. As the OTT platform produces its own variety of original series such as movies and dramas, there was not any reason to go to the movie theater. In fact, according to statistics on the 'OTT service usage by generation' by the Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI) at the time, OTT usage rate rose sharply from 41.0% in 2019 and 72.2% in 2020 to 81.7% in 2021. This is interpreted as a result of the rapid increase in OTT use in conjunction with the spread of COVID-19. In fact, many people have wanted ticket prices to be reduced for a long time, but there are also reasons why companies cannot hastily reduce theater ticket prices in a day.Ticket prices vary depending on individual contracts, but if a ticket generates 15,000 won in sales, the government takes a total of 13% (1,950 won), including 10% VAT and 3% film development fund.The remaining 87% is divided into half (6,450 won) between theaters and distributors.The distributor takes the distribution fee at a separate rate, and the remaining money is shared by the investment company and the production company when the movie exceeds the break-even point (BEP).If the distributor and the investment company are the same, the calculations are different. A film industry official said, "This discussion has proven to some extent that theaters do not decide prices arbitrarily, so now production companies, investors, distributors, etc. can try various things for each movie being released." And he added, "I think we can start discussions on diversification, such as price system, discount policy, and promotion." It is very unfortunate that this discussion was finally canceled, but hopefully we'll see a more affordable way to watch movies, both for businesses and consumers, in the near future. Sources : Sun A Kim. (2022). Changes and Implications of the Korean Online Movie Market after COVID-19. journal of korea contents society, 22(12), 368-378, 10.5392/JKCA.2022.22.12.368 https://www.ajunews.com/view/20220430211639298 https://www.news1.kr/articles/5227178 https://isplus.com/article/view/isp202310310077
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